Monday 17 June 2024


Day 5: Tag

Oops, I missed a couple days, hectic weekend but I'm back and day five I will review the 2018 comedy movie Tag. SPOILERS.

My Rating:

4/5 Stars

This movie is absolutely gold. I have watched maybe four times and it just keeps getting better. And the best thing about the whole story is that it is based on a true story (look at the image above for the real players). It is a movie about never growing up from your childhood games and having fun through adulthood.

First of all, I have to say that the casting for this movie is one of the best, it has all my favourite comedy actors including but not limited to Jeremy Renner, Jon Hamm, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson and Isla Fisher. All of them with very different personalities came together to create a masterpiece of comedy.

I love comedic movies and I especially love it when it is a group of middle-aged men, a couple other movies like this that I love are The Hangover and Grown Ups. All the scenes where Jerry goes into Sherlock mode to escape his friends are always hilarious. You would think you are watching an action movie if it wasn't a movie literally about a game of tag.

I absolutely hated when Susan faked her miscarriage, that was not cool of Jerry just so he didn't get tagged and I think everyone watching thought they went a bit too far with that one. The one time Chilli was right and he didn't tag Jerry.

The hospital scene was emotional and the way the movie ended was heartwarming and made me smile watching a group of grown adults racing through a hospital. I can't help but think how much fun that would be.

All in all this movie was amazing, I wouldn't watch it with younger children because there is a lot of swearing and some inappropriate themes but I 100% recommend it.


Friday 14 June 2024

Poor Things

Day 4: Poor Things

Hey, day four and we will review the very disturbing movie Poor Things (2023) for which Emma Stone won an Oscar. SPOILERS

My Rating:

3/5 Stars

Where do I even start with this movie, months later and I'm still thinking about it. The storyline is so confusing but somehow all comes together in the end. The reason I rated it 3 stars isn't because of how it was filmed it was just the story and the sheer 'disturbingness' of the movie. I know that's not a real word but that's all I can think of describing it.

Emma Stone (Bella Baxter) definitely deserved the Oscar she gained from this movie. Her acting is just outstanding in portraying a child slowly turning into a woman. Not just her but everyone else did an excellent job portraying their characters and omg have I ever hated Mark Ruffalo more than I did after watching this. He did such a good job playing Duncan that I was horrified with him (I love him really). Duncan was such a manipulative person I wanted to strangle him every single second, I don't understand how Bella didn't.

The visuals of this movie are so satisfying and I love the almost creepy-like soundtrack they used. My favourite song is Bella by Jerskin Fendrix. I'm not sure exactly what instrument is used to make the sounds but the slightly off-sounding music is intriguing. I also loved Portuguese Dance II and the way Bella and Duncan danced was off-putting but I couldn't take my eyes off it.

I loved Bella's character growth and development, you can slowly see her learn words, speech, society, emotions, and the beauties and horrors that surround our world. At the start she can barely speak, she doesn't know how to interact with the world around her and her only interest is her "God" (William Dafoe) but by the end, she has travelled and experienced the good and bad, she has been tested and tried and grown from it.

I think my least favourite part (or parts) was the Paris section and when she leaves her wedding with Max to learn more about her past life. I hated the Paris bit only because she didn't fully understand what she was doing and it was a bit unnerving that she would happily do that. I was happy when she decided to come home. Then at her wedding. I had felt really bad for Max most of the movie and then when she finally agrees to marry him at her wedding she leaves for a man she no longer loves (and doesn't actually know)?! Not okay Bella.

In conclusion, it was written and played out very well just so very off-putting, weird and full of 'disturbingness'. It really is a matter of movie taste when watching this movie so watch at your own risk.


Thursday 13 June 2024

Sister Act

Day 3: Sister Act

Hey, this is day three and I'm going to review a childhood movie of mine, the 1992 movie Sister Act. SPOILERS.

My Rating:

5/5 Stars

Sister Act is one of my comfort movies and this movie series is one of the only ones that I believe the second movie is just as good as the first one. And any movie with Maggie Smith and Whoopi Goldberg is bound to be an excellent one.

The music in this movie is so upbeat and fun, I love the way they took the songs and changed them, turning it into an exciting show of nuns singing. 

This movie has action, and comedy, and is a musical. It's the perfect feel-good movie to watch when you're feeling tired and not like doing much.

I love the characters and how they are all so different. I love Mary Robert (Wendy Makkena) and her gaining confidence throughout the movie but I am still so sad that it wasn't actually her singing but singer Andrea Robinson whose vocals are amazing.

Even though I don't have as much to say about this movie it doesn't mean it's boring or unwatchable. I highly recommend this as a family movie when you are all arguing about what to watch.


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Hot Fuzz

Day 2: Hot Fuzz

Hey, this is my second day reviewing movies and today I am going to talk about one of my all-time favourite movies Hot Fuzz (2008), so I may be a bit biased but I will be as truthful as possible. Remember SPOILERS.

My Rating: 

5/5 Stars

Okay let me start out with this movie is the best movie out of the entire Cornetto Trilogy (the other two being Shaun of the Dead and World's End). It is the vanilla flavour as you can see in the photo above which is by far the best flavour of cornetto anyway. I got to visit the filming place of Hot Fuzz, which is in Wells, Somerset, UK and I had a cornetto while there. I was very disappointed in my sister when she had the strawberry flavour but I'm pretty sure she only did that to annoy me. Anyway onto the actual review of the movie.

I feel like everything about this movie was done well from the cinematography to the storyline, the characters, the comedy, the plot twist and the gore. I have watched this movie too many times and I know most of the words off by heart. 

The cinematography of this movie is mind-blowing. I'm not an expert on it and I am terrible at explaining it but the way it cuts from one scene to the other is just amazing. And the scenes where he is filling out the information for anyone who comes to jail are just so satisfying.

Also what I love about this movie is a lot of action movies there is always some sort of romance in it, but this movie just had bromance throughout the whole thing. Danny and Nicholas are definitely platonic soulmates and their interactions just made the whole thing so much better. I always love seeing Simon Pegg (Nicholas) and Nick Wilde (Danny) and are one of my favourite movie duos of all time and can just be unnecessarily funny.

When I first watched this movie and saw the plot twist my jaw was on the floor, I never saw that one coming, I had earlier assumed maybe it was the whole village. I guessed that when Nicholas was chasing the shoplifter and the village had the walkie-talkies being able to control everything. But I never thought it would be for such stupid reasons that everyone had to die. The writers did an impressive job coming up with this plot twist and is probably my favourite one of all time.

Lastly, the gore in this movie wasn't excessive but it was pretty nasty when it was used. I loved Tim Messenger's death so much and you just have to watch it for yourself to understand it.

I 100% recommend this movie to anyone who loves comedy, action, murder mystery or all of the above because you are in for a treat.



Day 1: Hereditary

Hey Guys, this is my first post and I'm going to be rating movies. Today I am going to be talking about the 2018 horror movie Hereditary. SPOILERS

For Those of You Who Don't Understand the Movie:

Basically what happened was Annie's mother was planning this from the start. She had picked Charlie as the perfect soul to host Paimon, one problem Charlie was a girl. Paimon only used male bodies as a host. Charlie's death no matter how much it seems an accident was planned as we see in the movie there is a symbol scratched on the telephone pole which is the same symbol that was made out of blood in the attic above Annie's dead body. Then they used Charlie to traumatise Peter basically making him weak enough for her to take over. At the end of the movie, Charlie has taken over Peter's body and is now worshipped as a King of Hell.

Well, that's what I got from it at least, I'll be honest it was confusing and didn't make much sense to me or the friend who was watching with me.

My Rating: 

2.5/3 Stars

In my opinion, this movie was such a big disappointment compared to the hype it got.

First of all, Hereditary is rated one of the scariest movies ever and I was definitely not scared in the slightest, I got jumpscared once and that was only because my headphones were on too loud and a bird flying into the window sounded like a gunshot after a bunch of silence. I went into this with my best friend ready for a real scare but nothing really just insanely confused and like wtf???

It was pretty boring, very slow plot building and building up the suspense. It could just be me because I don't have a long attention span but not much was going on and I was falling asleep waiting for the drop. Then suddenly 10 minutes before the movie finished they threw every bit of scare, horror or gore they had. I was so confused and it didn't have an impact like I thought it was going to have.

I feel that it was rushed at the end and the writers had no idea what to do with the end. I have watched some really good horror movies with amazing endings like Midsommar, Talk To Me, The Menu, etc. But this made no sense. You mean to tell me we went through all this great script writing, acting, and (boring) plot building to just end it off quickly that Peter was being used for Charlie to become a demon of hell. What???

Also, the coven members just randomly appeared at the end. After Peter woke up and saw his dad's dead body, a naked man was just randomly behind him and I was like "Where did he come from? What does he have to do with this?" Then when Peter was in the attic more people appeared and me and my friend just looked at each other confused af.

I also thought it was weird that the entire movie was from Annie's point of view (except when Charlie died and the small moments that Peter was at school) and then became possessed and it was now Peter's POV cause he was literally the only one alive. Either do it well like in Psycho (1960) or stick to one person.

On a positive note, it was a pretty okay horror film and even though I thought it was a bit boring pretty good plot building. The acting was excellent and Alex Wolff (Peter) did an amazing job of playing a terrified teenage boy even if he was a bit cringy at some points.

I'm not sure I would recommend this movie and I'm definitely never watching it again but if you're an enthusiast in horror movies you should try Hereditary and see for yourself.



Day 5: Tag Oops, I missed a couple days, hectic weekend but I'm back and day five I will review the 2018 comedy movie Tag. SPOILERS. My ...