Wednesday 12 June 2024


Day 1: Hereditary

Hey Guys, this is my first post and I'm going to be rating movies. Today I am going to be talking about the 2018 horror movie Hereditary. SPOILERS

For Those of You Who Don't Understand the Movie:

Basically what happened was Annie's mother was planning this from the start. She had picked Charlie as the perfect soul to host Paimon, one problem Charlie was a girl. Paimon only used male bodies as a host. Charlie's death no matter how much it seems an accident was planned as we see in the movie there is a symbol scratched on the telephone pole which is the same symbol that was made out of blood in the attic above Annie's dead body. Then they used Charlie to traumatise Peter basically making him weak enough for her to take over. At the end of the movie, Charlie has taken over Peter's body and is now worshipped as a King of Hell.

Well, that's what I got from it at least, I'll be honest it was confusing and didn't make much sense to me or the friend who was watching with me.

My Rating: 

2.5/3 Stars

In my opinion, this movie was such a big disappointment compared to the hype it got.

First of all, Hereditary is rated one of the scariest movies ever and I was definitely not scared in the slightest, I got jumpscared once and that was only because my headphones were on too loud and a bird flying into the window sounded like a gunshot after a bunch of silence. I went into this with my best friend ready for a real scare but nothing really just insanely confused and like wtf???

It was pretty boring, very slow plot building and building up the suspense. It could just be me because I don't have a long attention span but not much was going on and I was falling asleep waiting for the drop. Then suddenly 10 minutes before the movie finished they threw every bit of scare, horror or gore they had. I was so confused and it didn't have an impact like I thought it was going to have.

I feel that it was rushed at the end and the writers had no idea what to do with the end. I have watched some really good horror movies with amazing endings like Midsommar, Talk To Me, The Menu, etc. But this made no sense. You mean to tell me we went through all this great script writing, acting, and (boring) plot building to just end it off quickly that Peter was being used for Charlie to become a demon of hell. What???

Also, the coven members just randomly appeared at the end. After Peter woke up and saw his dad's dead body, a naked man was just randomly behind him and I was like "Where did he come from? What does he have to do with this?" Then when Peter was in the attic more people appeared and me and my friend just looked at each other confused af.

I also thought it was weird that the entire movie was from Annie's point of view (except when Charlie died and the small moments that Peter was at school) and then became possessed and it was now Peter's POV cause he was literally the only one alive. Either do it well like in Psycho (1960) or stick to one person.

On a positive note, it was a pretty okay horror film and even though I thought it was a bit boring pretty good plot building. The acting was excellent and Alex Wolff (Peter) did an amazing job of playing a terrified teenage boy even if he was a bit cringy at some points.

I'm not sure I would recommend this movie and I'm definitely never watching it again but if you're an enthusiast in horror movies you should try Hereditary and see for yourself.


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Day 5: Tag Oops, I missed a couple days, hectic weekend but I'm back and day five I will review the 2018 comedy movie Tag. SPOILERS. My ...